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The Mailjet Team


The Sinch Mailjet team

The Sinch Mailjet team shares news, best practices, and strategies to take your digital marketing and email communications to the next level. Subscribe to our newsletter to get all the articles in your inbox!

Latest stories by The Sinch Mailjet team

Hermes is writing next to a laptop

Email best practices

21 min

How to plan an effective newsletter strategy to achieve your marketing goals

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Hermes points at an envelope next to a Goddess

Email best practices

7 min

Here’s how flat design makes marketing emails appealing

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Hermes is delivering letters to a Goddess in the street


7 min

Dynamic email content for personalized marketing campaigns

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Hermes and Hera writing a letter

Email best practices

10 min

8 essential email marketing KPIs and how to track them

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Hermes and Artemisa paint some tags

Email best practices

8 min

Strategies to optimize ecommerce email marketing campaigns

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Hermes paints a Goddess on top of pink and blue

Email best practices

8 min

Optimize your transactional email design

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Hermes and Hera with mailbox

Email best practices

10 min

Create your email signature in four easy steps

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Hermes is painting on canvas

Email best practices

4 min

Effectively use newsletter graphics with these 6 tips

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Hermes and a goddess painting in front of a grafitti wall

Email best practices

5 min

The many uses and benefits of email templates explained

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Illustration of two Greek goddesses in front of a newspaper stand

Email best practices

7 min

All you need to know about newsletter subject lines

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Hermes and a goddess in an artist loft

Email best practices

6 min

4 ways to design a newsletter that people will actually read

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Hermes holding a wrench fixing a server


14 min

To zero-party data and beyond: The four types of marketing data

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